This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Broken Jars

Sunday, March 24, 2013
Meaning in Montana 1948

Thursday, March 21, 2013
So it begins...
Part One of Montana 1948 has established several internal and external conflicts. Internally, what conflicts are Wes and David facing? Give a line that reveals those conflicts. Catch: When you post a response you must comment on what others before you have said and you may not give the same quote/line that someone previously has posted. (Deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, Saturday, March 23, 2013. No credit will be given to plagiarized responses.)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Women of Williams
Now that you have finished both The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire, read the quote above and comment on which of Williams's women--Amanda Wingfield, Laura Wingfield, or Blanche DuBois--best conveys this statement and explain how so? (The deadline to post a response is midnight Friday, March 22, 2013. No credit will be given to plagiarized ideas.)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Words reveal so much...

“I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers.”
“I am not in anything that I want to get out of.”
“We have had this date from the beginning.”
“I never lied in my heart.”
“I couldn’t believe her story and go on living with Stanley.”
Monday, March 18, 2013
Capricorn and the Virgin
From the moment they meet, Stanley and Blanche conflict. Why is Stanley is determined to destroy Blanche? What is Williams saying through this conflict about people, in general? about the old South and the new South? (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, March 18, 2013. No credit will be given to plagiarized/non-original responses.)
Friday, March 15, 2013
A White Star
Blanche and Stella are sisters, but they present themselves very differently. What are some ways these two women from Belle Reve contrast each other? Explain. (NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN TO PLAGIARIZED ANSWERS) (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, Saturday, March 16, 2013.)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
In the words of Fitzgerald...
Fitzgerald is known for saying,“You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have
something to say." He had so much to say about life, love, and people in The Great Gatsby that it is one of the most quoted novels of all times. I have not read the quotes you wrote on your bowties, so please post the quote you selected and explain why you chose it. (The deadline to post a response is midnight, March 6, 2013.)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
All those gals...
One thing that we have not discussed to any true degree is the role of women in The Great Gatsby. How are women depicted in this novel? Explain. Give at least one quote to support your claim. What is Fitzgerald, therefore, saying about women and what that do and symbolize? (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, March 6, 2013.)
Monday, March 4, 2013
In the words of Nick...
Early in the novel, Nick says that he reserves judgement of people, yet numerous times he lets us know whether he approves or disapproves a character's actions. He did this several times in Chapter 7. Remember that Nick is recalling the past of 1922 when he spent the summer in West Egg. He is narrating in a reflective voice--which always has an air of judgement. In 1922, he encountered several people; many of whom we have thought one way about and now might feel another way. Though we, too, prefer to reserve judgement, let's be honest; we all judge daily. Select one character and tell what you thought of him/her in the beginning of the novel and what you think about him/her as chapter 7 concludes. YOU MUST NOT WRITE ABOUT THE SAME CHARACTER THAT THE TWO PEOPLE BEFORE YOU POSTED. (Deadline midnight March 4, 2013.)
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Just for fun
Try this quiz and see which Gatsby character you are most like. Don't try to manipulate the results and let this be true. Then post the character results that you got and explain if you like this or not and why? If you didn't get the character you had hoped for, tell us who you would have preferred and why? (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Sunday, March 3, 2013.)
Friday, March 1, 2013
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