Read the following poem and comment on its theme and imagery. How does the imagery and juxtapositioning of images help create the poem's theme. Enjoy SONNET 30 by Edmund Spenser.
My love is like to ice, and I to fire;
How comes it then that this her cold so great
Is not dissolved through my so hot desire,
But harder grows the more I her entreat?
Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
Is not delayed by her heart frozen cold,
But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
And feel my flames augmented manifold?
What more miraculous thing may be told
That fire which all thing melts, should harden ice,
And ice, which is congealed with senseless cold,
Should kindle fire by wonderful device?
Such is the power of love in gentle mind,
That it can alter all the course of kind.
The theme of Sonnet 30 is love. This poem has a great imagery of ice and fire. The juxtapositioning of the fire and ice show that the two are with each other and they doe not falter, either one. The ever lasting love of the two is shown by this. IH
The imagery and juxtapositioning of images help create the poem's theme in Sonnet 30 is a connection. The connection is love because two forces can create one thing. The imagery and justapositioning in the Sonnet create a sense of two powerful intense forces create love.
The theme of Sonnet 30 is how strong love can be. Love conquers all in the end. Fire and ice come together to strengthen each other in this juxtapositioning. The imagery creates a strong mental image that helps convey the theme of love.
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