This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

In the beginning...

The epic Beowulf, created in Anglo-Saxon England, begins a long tradition of English writers approaching the theme of good versus evil. Which scene from the epic did you find especially focused upon this theme and what in particular exemplifies this quest? (This post closes at midnight on August 29, 2013).


Unknown said...

The scene that I think approaches the theme of good versus evil is when Beowulf had to fight Grendel's mother. In the story, it describes that the lake is on fire, that no man would dare enter. That readies the reader to infer that he is entering a Hell-like place. Hell is an evil place, and so is everything that lurks there. Beowulf is the good. When he wins, they explain that the cave shined like a light from heaven. Heaven is where everyone wants to be, the good place. This is an example of the good. Beowulf fights Grendel's mother: Good vs. Bad.

SA block 2 said...

When Grendel goes to Herot to kill innocent people for no reason, he obviously represents evil. Beowulf strategically fights him and stands up for people who are not even from his home. Beowulf is ethical, and he represents the values of society, therefore he is the "good" to oppose Grendel.

Unknown said...

I found the final scene in which Beowulf loses favor with God because his intentions for fighting are no longer noble to be particularly telling. It emphasizes the importance of doing good deeds for good reasons, not because they are to one's benefit, and thus showcases the good vs. evil within an individual.

Unknown said...

I see the good vs. evil the most in the scene where Grendel could not or would not touch Hrothgar's throne because it was protected by God. This inconspicuously shows how evil Grendel is that he can not even go near such good as a throne protected so strongly by God himself. Although it is not an obvious example, this still shows the struggle of good vs. evil in the epic of Beowulf.