This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Come to the party....


Try this quiz and see which Gatsby character you are most like.  Don't try to manipulate the results and let this be true.  Then post the character results that you got and explain if you like this or not and why?  If you didn't get the character you had hoped for, tell us who you would have preferred and why?  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Sunday, February 16, 2014.)  There is another open post below this one. 



Last semester when I took this quiz, I got Nick, and I really think he and I are very similar in that we are honest people, but this time when I took the quiz, I got Gatsby, which makes me happy because I truly believe in setting goals and working for their achievement.

Tiffany Bates said...

When I took the quiz, I got Nick, also. I think this is pretty accurate because he is the narrator and does not judge (through most of the novel) and is usually watching the things that unfold. I share that watching personality and I try not to judge people to the best of my abilities.

KG Block 1 said...

For the quiz, I got George Wilson. I believe it is actually pretty accurate. The description said that many people "walk all over" me, which is true very often. I am not sure how I feel about it. I sort of feel guilty, like I just shot Gatsby, haha. As much as I do not like for people to take advantage of me, I believe it is true. I do not, however, believe I am quite as pitiful as George was. When times get really tough, I can stand up for myself.

Unknown said...

When I took this quiz, I got Gatsby. This took me by surprise actually, but I am happy with this outcome. I thought I would get Nick because most of my answers were pretty laid back. I am pretty happy with getting Gatsby, though. I see my self as hopeful like he is,but also I am just as stubborn.

Unknown said...

I am satisfied with my results; like myself, Nick takes a person's history into account before forming a judgement on him/her, and he is not exactly the "life of the party." Getting Gatsby as a result would have been nice, too, because I admire the way he chases his dreams even though they are likely to fail.