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Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Not a simple notebook and pencil...

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" Mr. wiggins you say you like what I got here but you say you still can't give me just a b cause you say I ain't gone deep in me yet an you know Ivan if I try hard an when I ask you what you mean deep in me you say just say what's on my mind so one day you can be saved an you can save the children and I say I don't know what you mean an you say I do know what you mean an you look so tired sometimes Mr. Wiggins I just feel like telling you I like you but I don't know how to say this cause I ain't never say it to nobody before an nobody ain't never say it to me"(page 173). This passage helped me see a change in Jefferson because he finally opened up to Grant. I think that it shows how Jefferson had taken his reserved feelings and then just layed it all out there for Grant. This passage really helps show you the trust that Jefferson had gave Grant as a friend and teacher. The notebook section made me feel sad and surprised. Sad in the fact that Jefferson was being put to death; and he knew what it was all coming down to just counting the days, minutes, and seconds. Surprised in the way that he really opened up his feelings and affections in his diary. His diary helps the reader come to a conclusion that Jefferson is not cold hearted he has feelings and love for other people.
"Im sory I cry mr wigin I'm sory I cry when you say you aint comin back tomoro im strong an reven ambros gon be yer wit me mr harry comin to an reson I cry cause you been so good to me mr wigin an nobody aint never been that good to me an make me think im somebody (page 232)." This helped me recognize a huge change in Jefferson. He wrote this the day before his execution and he was actually very very upset, which hadn't happened before, yet he still accepted it. He also finally believed he was a man and was so thankful to Grant. The dairy was my favorite part of the novel. It made me upset but drew me into the thoughts that went through Jefferson's head before he died. I found it very captivating, and the way the author wrote it how Jefferson would have made it even more interesting.
Holly Mckenzie
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