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Monday, September 20, 2010
FaLl Of SoCiEtY

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The rival between Jack and Ralph is one of the main reasons that the group of boys begin to break-up into two different societies. Aside from the rules that he believes should be followed at all times in order to maintain a sense of humanity amongst the group, Ralf is deterimind to always keep the fire going on the island in the hope that it will be their ticket to rescue/survival, while Jack's only concern is hunting.
The factor that introduces the split of the two societies is the fear of the beast. The reader knows that the "beast" is nothing more than a dead parchutist, but the boys mistake the body for a vicious monster. This misunderstanding ultimately causes an unnecessary outbreak of chaos amongst the group resulting in a confusion of leadership, and seperation of a society.
I believe the main reasons that break-ups occur are because of the battle between goodness and evil and the fear of the beast too.
Goodness and Evil are the main conflicts between every story and problem found in society mainly. Certain people want the good things, and others do not really care about anything. Ralph and Jack are the perfect examples of goodness and evil. Jack just wants to have fun, and Ralph wants to be civilized.
The fear of the "beastie" is from the boys making up the fear. They are the problems as well. Having the fear of the beast causes them to believe that he is real. They are going crazy. This splits them up. It only brings problems, and the way they think and want to solve the problem about the beast causes them to seperate. Just like in society, humans cause problems by having the fear that something might occur. They cause lies and make excuses.
Ashley Love.
I believe the two reasons for the break-up in society are the disruption in government and the fight between good and evil. The government is the most important part of the society on the island, aside from being rescued. Having a government keeps the society from going into complete chaos. In the novel, the chaos begins when Jack decides to leave Ralph's side of the island. He gets embarrassed when no one wants to overthrow Ralph. When this occurs,
his shame leads him to flee to the other side of the island. Ralph and Jack were the two main leaders, Ralph as the chief and Jack as the leader of the hunters. Now, things
have been torn apart and people must choose a side.
Also, good versus evil is a large factor in the break-up in society. The evil causes much fear in all of the children, causing them to flee or become frantic. No one can think clearly or make proper decisions while under any type of stress. Ralph, the good in the novel, must fight against Jack, the bad symbol, when Jack decides to leave their
side of the island. The characters must also fight between the good and evil in themselves. They must look inside themselves and find their civility, otherwise their evil will overcome them and something regrettable, like the murder of Simon, will happen.
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