There are many themes in LORD OF THE FLIES. Among them are good versus evil, the importance of unity, the importance of law and order, survival of the fittest, the evil of mankind, the belief in hope, the loss of innocence, and the process of maturity. Which theme in the novel did you find most interesting? What did you learn through LORD OF THE FLIES about this theme? Explain which scene(s) in the book helped you to fully see this theme and how. (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight Tuesday, September 28, 2010.)
1 comment:
I find good versus evil to be the most interesting because it applies not only to literature but also to events that take place in everyday life. Scenes such as when Simon enters Jack's side of the island to tell the boys about the "beast" show that even though someone may mean well they still get hurt or even killed in the end. Or even when Piggy said "I got the conch" repeatedly; Piggy understood what respect meant unlike most of the other boys and he too was killed for his kindness. The novel shows that evil will always torment good.
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