This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rules! Rules! Rules!

In chapter 5 at the night assembly, Ralph makes the comment "that the rules are all we have got." How important are rules? Why? Which rules are most important in life? Why? (The deadline to post a comment on this question is midnight Saturday, September 18, 2010.)


VictoriaN said...

Ralph makes this statement to emphasize how important rules are. They are their only link to civilization. Having rules on the island means that the boys are still somewhat civilized. It is also the only thing keeping them unified. Without rules, the boys will begin to neglect their duties and turn on each other. In life there are many important rules. Some of these include not stealing or murdering. These rules keep people and their belongings safe. It these rules did not exist, people, like the boys in the novel, would turn on each other out of selfishness.

Tiffany said...

Rules are very important because they protect the safety of society. For instance, by making theft illegal it is not only stopping people from stealing but also stopping people from being stolen from. It reduces violence in society also. Violence leads to savage behavior which is something that we want to avoid as a society. I believe the most important rules in life are the rules that dictate the way we treat other people. I believe this because if people were not restricted from treating people poorly and disrespectful then civilization would be constantly at war.

Unknown said...

Rules are the figurative glue that essentially holds society together. Without rules, we would have no order or justice, and eventually society would self destruct. The most important rules of society are not to kill, treat others how you wish to be treated, and not to take something that doesn't belong to you. The rule against killing is argubly the most important rule ever established because it ensures the ongoing of society. Treating others the way you wish to be treated is all a key to the smooth functioning of society; this assures that people get treated and treat others with the own high respect that they expect. Lastly, the rule against taking something that doesn't belong to you assures smooth running in society. It promotes hard work through just rewards. Rules help to not only keep our society in order, but also reinforce good behavior and inspire positive advances.

Chelsea McLaughlin said...

Chelsea McLaughlin

Rules are a very important part of our society, and they are especially important to the boys in Lord of the Flies. Without any rules, the boys would end up essentially killing themselves. The boys have rules of hygiene and of where fire is permitted, both of which are examples of rules that protect them. In normal lives, our most important rules are those which protect us as well. For example, rules against murder or rape protect people from themselves. Rules which protect people from other people are the most needed and important because they keep society from pushing itself to extinction.