This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Family Dynamics...

In any story, complexity makes for interesting characters.  Good drama rarely pits a “good guy” against a “bad guy.”  The best drama often occurs when both people in a conflict are right and wrong.  Do you sympathize with Amanda, even though she causes her children to suffer?  Do you think Tom and Laura are both wrong and right?  Explain. (The deadline to post a response to this question is midnight, Sunday, February 3, 2013).


BMS said...

I sympathize with Amanda because even though she is hurting her children she is doing what she believes is best for them. She just wants them to live a happy life like she did when she was younger. I think Tom is both right and wrong because he deserves to live a happy and free life, but he also has an obligation to his mother and sister. Laura is also wrong and right because she needs to grow up and find a husband, but she is stuck in her own world, and cannot find someone.

CMJ said...

Although Amanda is overbearing, I think that she is only doing what she believes is right for her children. In that way, I sympathize with her. On the other hand, while she does what she can for Laura, Tom is lost and turns to movies and alcohol for comfort. Both Tom and Laura are right and wrong in their own ways. Tom longs for and deserves a life free from the oppression of his mother, but he feels an obligation to Laura and can not leave her memory behind. Laura needs to find a husband, but she can not because of her crippling shyness and inability to leave her own little world.

Kasey.Rito said...

I understand what Amanda does because she does what she thinks is the best for her children. However, she is overbearing and holding them from the truth of the world. I believe Tom is right because he does not deserve to live in that environment, being trapped by his family. However, he is obligated to them. He is all they have and they need him. Laura is wrong, but she cannot really change because of her physical defect and her shyness. She holds back Tom and she needs to grow up and face the world, but she cannot.

BES said...

I sympathize with Amanda because even though she is focused on the past and is sometimes mean to her children, she just wants both of them to be happy, and is doing her best for them. Tom is in a way right because he has to live his own like and do what he wants, but in a way he is wrong because his family needs him, and he just left. Laura is also both right and wrong. She needs to stop living get life in hiding and grow up, but because she let her physical defect affect her so much she does not have the courage to.