This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Now, that we have read the entire play, select one of the following propositions.  Write a response that supports or refutes this proposition.  YES, you must take one side and one side only.  This isn't Switzerland. No credit will be given if you do not stay on one side of the issue. Catch:  You may not write on the same proposition as the person before you and you must agree or disagree with what he says before selecting your proposition.  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Tuesday, December 9, 2014.)
1) Lady Macbeth's problem is that while she understands herself, she does not understand Macbeth.
2) Lady Macbeth is totally evil; she is, in fact, the fiend-like Queen described by Malcolm at the end of the play.
3) The witches so manipulate Macbeth that he has no control over his fate.
4) Shakespeare didn't write the silly Hecate bits, so out they come.  If you were producing a performance of Macbeth, explain why you would or would not include the Hecate scenes.
5) The story of a bad man who commits a crime is not a tragedy but a straightforward tale of evil. Macbeth, however, is about a good man who becomes evil and that is his tragedy.
6) Far from being the strong character he is often portrayed as being, Macbeth is essentially a weak man; he allows the witches and Lady Macbeth to manipulate him into an act which, if left alone, he would never contemplate, never mind commit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lady Macbeth is a true actress. She protrays herself as being this malevent being when really she is vulnerable. Nonetheless, she understands that she is weak, which is why at the beginning she calls for evil spirits to make her evil, but she does not understand Macbeth. She states that Macbeth is too nice to murder king Duncan. That is completely untrue. He is a savage. An example of this is when he cuts a man in half and then sticks his head on his sword because he is a traitor to Scotland, which Macbeth later becomes.Thus, her main problem is seeing her husband as he truly is for in the end he is totally oblivious to her.