This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In the words of Fitzgerald...

Fitzgerald is known for saying,“You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say."  He had so much to say about life, love, and people in The Great Gatsby that it is one of the most quoted novels of all times.  I have not read the quotes you wrote on your bowties, so please post the quote you selected and explain why you chose it.  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, March 6, 2013.)



There are so many great lines in this book that it was hard for me to select just one, but the one that has always moved me and meant a great deal to me emotionally is ""Out of the corner of his eye Gatsby saw that the blocks of the sidewalk really formed a ladder and mounted to a secret place above the trees-he could climb it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder." This passage moves me because it shows how much Gatsby wanted to "climb the ladder of success" and find all the beauty and wonder of life, but, tragically, he knew that to achieve this, he would have to climb alone and when he kissed Daisy, he felt such wonder that she became his "ladder of success." I truly believe Fitzgerald is saying that all people have dreams of betterment and truly desire to achieve all that they can, but sometimes along the way, people lose sight or exchange the dreams. This passage just makes me sigh!

Unknown said...

My quote was, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." The reason I chose this quote is because it is nothing but the truth. Gatsby was the only person in this story that was real and not some person involved in his money or power. He was not snobby and did not think of himself as some superior person to other people even though he is much better than Tom and Daisy will ever be put together. Also, Gatsby was taken advantage of during his lifetime and he was better than all the people that attended his parties and will be even in death. Also, I chose this quote because it is the first time Nick judges someone. It changes his whole character because he is known as the person that reserves judgement but he judges and his judgement is one hundred percent correct.

Leila Sabbagh said...

Mrs. Palombo, I picked the exact quote you picked. When I first read it, my heart tensed for a good minute. It reflects the magic that surrounded Gatsby that I am sure also surrounds everyone immersed in their dreams. Gatsby was so in love with Daisy that even standing there waiting for her, he could mold the moonbeams into whatever he wished and anything seemed possible. I feel that this feeling comes from being young. There are so many opportunities and we can become anything we can dream up. What we later learn is we can only do this on our own. I believe Fitzgerald was aiming to convey that the only way to be truly satisfied in life, happy and become open to the world is found within. I wish to someday have my moonbeams take shape and gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder.

Kasey.Rito said...

I loved the quote, "It eluded us then, but that's no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther....And one fine morning----" This quote represents the American dream, and although we may never be able to reach it, we have to keep trying. Then, just maybe, we will reach it. Gatsby always strived for his dream which was Daisy. Although he never got her, he died happy and he never stopped trying. He never stopped because he had hope. This quote gives the reader hope which was exactly what Fitzgerald was trying to do. Everyone needs something to believe in and that is what Fitzgerald is telling us.

Unknown said...

While reading The Great Gatsby, I chose, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." as the quote that spoke to me. The reason I related so much with this quote is because on a daily basis I see kids who are taunted and humiliated by fellow peers. When I see this happening I want to tell the kids that they are so much better than the bullies who insult them. People are oblivious are sometimes even revel in the hurt that they can cause people and it is sickening. Gatsby is forever scarred by Daisy and she is oblivious just like the bullies I see everyday. When Nick says this to Gatsby I admired his boldness and his thoughtfulness at knowing that it was exactly what Gatsby needed to here. It inspires me to do that same for the hurt students walking around the school everyday.

Emma said...

I chose the quote, "Her voice is full of money." Gatsby finally reveals his attraction to Daisy's voice. Her voice is constantly described in the novel, and then it is compared to money. It is rich, and Gatsby had to have it. This quote was important to me because it finally shows WHY Gatsby loves her voice, and also why it is constantly described.

BP-blk 1 said...

I chose the quote stated by Nick, "It wasn't a coincidence at all." It shows that Gatsby moved across from Daisy as a reminder to reach his dream. Gatsby desired to move faster and be with Daisy.Also, the quote explains many things pertained to the location.

Unknown said...

I chose the quote, " Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known." I knew the moment I read this it was going to be my bow tie quote. I chose it because it just says something about the people he is around. Most of them are living lies. Though his past, at first, was mysterious, and his occupation's legality is questionable, Gatsby turns out to be pretty honest. On the contrary, the majority of the remaining characters, such as Tom, Myrtle, Daisy, and Jordan, live lives full of dishonesty. They have the mentality to only look out for themselves. This quote carries so much truth with the situation Nick is in which he is involved.

Unknown said...

"There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired." I have liked this quote since you first told us about. I chose it because I feel as if it sums up just about everyone in the world. Fitzgerald is saying that just about everybody is searching for the company of another. Those who are not seeking this company are either occupied doing other things or are to tired of trying and have given up. This quote has just really stuck with me, so I decided to write it on my bow tie.

CMJ said...

The quote that I chose was, "Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope." In many ways, I believe I am a lot like Nick. One of the more obvious ways in which this is true is that, like Nick, I tend to hold back on judging people before they have had a chance to prove themselves. I always like to believe the best in people unless they give me a serious reason not to. Not only does this quote describe me, but also it gives me a connection to Nick which helps me to better understand his actions and feelings.

XL-1st Block said...

The quote I chose was "You can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" said by Gatsby. This quote really stuck with me after thinking back on the other literary works I have read. In novels and life, there are so many people that try to live in the past. I thought it to be an appropriate quote to choose, because this is a mistake that will always be present.

Unknown said...

The quote that I chose was that of “God sees everything”. All of the characters in this book-excluding nick- were all hiding something. The things they were hiding were truly bad things. This quote fits into today’s society as well. People are always hiding things and they may not reveal these secrete to us, but God knows about them. That was what Fitzgerald was trying to say by putting the eyes of Dr. T J Eckleburg and this quote in the book.