This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Monday, September 15, 2014

What I am about to do goes beyond magic...

Based upon information in Chapter 4, how is the planning stage of Frankenstein's experiments with life and death and his plans to create a living person described? What changes take place in Frankenstein during this time and what are his reflections about the changes?  (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, Tuesday, September 16, 2014.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When Frankenstein is describing his experiments he is telling them as if he was an excited little child getting a new toy, all giddy and ready for it. While waiting to complete the monstrosity though, he begins to loose sleep and get sicker easily. When he finishes the monster he looks back and sees how his decision to proceed with the project was a big waste of time and was not worth it.
Travis Stennett