This is a place for us to discuss openly and honestly the literature we are reading. Here we are all just communicating our thoughts on what we are reading. There are no right and wrong answers. However, you are expected to be polite, mature, and on topic.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

An apple a day...?

Do you think it is significant that Gregor's father throws apples at him? Why or why not? What could the apples possibly symbolize?  Is it significant that Gregor's injury is caused by his father? Why or why not?  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Monday, October 27, 2014.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gregor's father throwing apples at him shows is significant in the way that is a symbolization of his own father. The apples represent the insults that his father would through at him and his stomping feet represent him trying to stomp on Kafka's pride. The apple stuck in his back shows how the incident will always stick with him and how he'll never forget it. By having the apples thrown at him as well shows how now everyone in his family has finally rejected him as their own.
Travis Stennett